Transport: Electric Scooter Trial
Arlen Hill Borough Council
More Information
Electrical scooters (also known as e-scooters) come under the category of “powered transporters”. This also covers a range of other personal transport devices which are powered by a motor.
“Powered transporters” fall within the legal definition of a motor vehicle under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Therefore, the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters.
As a motor vehicle, they must comply with various pieces of Road Traffic Legislation, including but not limited to:
- driving with a licence
- driving/riding with insurance
- driving/riding other than on a road
- need to be taxed
It is not currently possible to get appropriate insurance for privately owned e-scooters, meaning it is illegal to use them on the road or in public spaces.
This page shows a map of Arlen Hill and its wards. The colour coding of the wards inidicates whether an e-scooter trial is currently in place, about to be in place, or is not set to be in place. They key is as follows:
- Green = trial currently in place
- Orange = trial expected this year
- Red = no plans for a trial to take place
Click on the layers of the map below to find out the names of the wards and whether they are currently, or will be, part of a trial.